Friday, 13 January 2017

The Last Post... (See what I did there?!?!?!?) LOL!

After a semester examining liberalism and its challengers, how have your viewpoints developed? Do you feel as you did at the beginning? Or have your viewpoints been altered by what you have learned?

Our entire country has shifted to the left with the election of Justin Trudeau's Liberal government in October, 2015. Even earlier, Alberta went further to the left when Alberta chose to reject 40 years of right-wing PC government in favour of the New Democratic Party under Rachel Notely in the spring. Her leftward swing has been extremely controversial - Bill 6 (extending worker safety rules to farms), new carbon taxes to combat climate change, a government review of royalty rates for oil companies, making distracted driving a demerit offence and the increase of the minimum wage to $15 per hour among others. All of these issues raise questions about how much influence the government should have on us socially and economically.

The election of Donald Trump and the exit of Barack Obama in the U.S. has left a hugely divided America - with the divisions crossing all sorts of ideological lines - economic, social, political, racial, religious... The future looks very uncertain (but lots of fun to watch from the sidelines!).

For this last entry, I'd like you to comment on how liberal you believe our society should be. You may discuss political liberalism (democracy), social liberalism (personal freedom to act as you wish) and/or economic freedom (capitalism). What should the limits be on our freedom? What is justified in the name of order and security? What role should the government have in our lives?